Recognizing a Principal Principle

From Earth First:

It is our goal to print stories and analysis that spark relevant discussion, new alliances, necessary schisms and resistance.

However, in light of [Deep Green Resistance]’s continued assault on trans-people, with language and analysis that denies the struggles of trans-people and even goes so far as to deny the value, worth and power of their existence in radical movements, labeling trans-people as somehow “not real,” or as Post-Modern manifestations of individualism, the Earth First! Journal collective will no longer print or in any way promote DGR material. While we don’t need to agree with an individual or organization to find their words or actions relevant for discussion we will not continue to include those whose core expression of values continues to promote exclusion and oppression.

It is very dangerous, short-sided and pointless to further marginalize one of the most marginalized communities but also a community with great insight, agency and power in the continued fight against patriarchy. The oppression of women is inextricably linked to the oppression of trans-people. Trans-people have been honored in numerous indigenous communities across the planet. Trans-people aren’t some sort of new Post-Modern manifestation of individualism. Trans-people are people, rad fucking people.

Why can’t SPLC and Gay, Inc., be this direct in naming the trans-exterminationist problem?


  1. “Why can’t SPLC and Gay, Inc., be this direct in naming the trans-exterminationist problem?”

    There is no money in it….

  2. Wow, I really love Earth First right now. Like, when I read that I felt a huge swelling of happiness in my chest, rising up. Earth First has some rad fucking people in it.

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