Christianist Hatemongers Admit to Their Fraud in Their Attempt to Kill Civil Rights in Massachusetts

I refuse to provide a direct link to any hate group’s site, but if you want to type it in on your own, here it is:


It can also be found here:



What will you find there?

The rallying cry of the pro-family groups trying to repeal the law was the well-known “bathroom safety” argument – that in addition to transgenders, this law allows male sexual predators to lurk in women’s restrooms to prey on girls and women. This was technically true, but was largely contrived.



Translated: They made it up…

Just like trans people have been saying christianists and TERFs (not that there is any substantive difference between the two anymore) have been doing for years.

History repeats itself

Over a decade ago when LGBT movement took the “gay marriage” battles into the state legislatures, and later into the federal courts, the major pro-family groups tried a similar strategy. As we reported at the time, they refused to argue that homosexuality was immoral, had terrible health risks, was fraught with addiction and mental health problems, etc.

Instead, they concocted less offensive arguments such as, “Every child needs a father and a mother” and “the word ‘marriage’ is special” – and used them almost exclusively. It actually worked for a little while. But while technically true, before long they were easily picked apart by the LGBT lobby, and they began their string of wins. Nevertheless, on every level the pro-family lawyers and lobbyists refused to budge from that approach. Without any credible opposing arguments, the “gay marriage” push cruised to victories right up to the US Supreme Court. It was a shameful display of legal malpractice.

Now with the “transgender anti-discrimination” bills the same thing is happening. Our side concocted the “bathroom safety” male predator argument as a way to avoid an uncomfortable battle over LGBT ideology, and still fire up people’s emotions. It worked in Houston a few years ago.

But the LGBT lobby has now figured out how to beat it.



They dreamed it up…

which means they need to look in the mirror when they talk about people being delusional.

They made it up…

which means they committed actionable defamation against the entirety of the trans community.

They fabricated it…

which means they committed fraud – because they raised money off of it.

They invented it…

which means, like all professional con artists, they’ll just try again to invent something that might actually work just a little bit longer – just long enough for them to fully cash out and crawl away.

They lied…

which means they have conclusively demonstrated how little they care about the christian values that they claim they are battling to preserve by inflicting on everyone via force of law…

which means when next any of them appear in any forum – governmental or media – to speak in opposition to our civil rights, they should be vocally pummeled with “LIAR!” until they physically fall to pieces.

Its up to us to ensure that they don’t even come as close as they did this time to achieving their bigoted dreams.

But it is also up to legitimate media to bring their admission up – and place it front and center – any time that any christianisTERF squats in front of a camera or a microphone to bleat about the next fictional terror that they attribute to the existence of trans people (particularly trans women.)

“TERF” is not a slur now because it never was.

The same is true for “christianist.”

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