Dear SPLC,

Every day that you refuse to classify as hate groups the purveyors of the sort of exterminationism embodied by the following:

is a day closer to the elimination of the line between yourselves and those you’ve designated as hate groups.

You wouldn’t consort with – much less condone – klansmen, neo-nazis and anti-abortion terrorists.

Why the special dispensation for TERFs?

Fifth column got yer tongue?


  1. Is this so hard to answer?

  2. […] Another TAer asks, Why do TERFs get special dispensation from the Southern Poverty Law Center? […]

  3. […] Another TAer asks, Why do TERFs get special dispensation from the Southern Poverty Law Center? […]

  4. […] trans community has asked itself recently why the supposed watchdog of extremist hate-groups – The Southern […]

  5. […] wondered aloud along with many people in the trans community why the Southern Poverty Law Center, the major watchdog group […]

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