
Seen recently in the Privilegemeisters’ Spin Section beneath a story at Buzzfeed about Out’s list of gay powermongers, a list that is as trans-free as HRC’s and NGLTF’s employment rolls (and, given that one of the four people of color is RuPaul, I think that even attempting to address the overall clorox hue of the list is even more futile than pointing out the latest bout of gay transphobia; countdown, however, to some Gay, Inc., apologist claiming that RuPaul’s presence means that the list is not trans free in 3…2…1….):

the absence of people of color and trans people is a broader reflection of their exclusion in prominent positions of influence in mainstream society.


it might just be a reflection of the extent to which both are excluded from prominent positions of influence – or, when it comes to trans women, legitimate positions of any kind by and large – within the LGB( )* rights movement.

* At this point, I think its inappropriate to even insert the tiny ‘t’; the fact is that we are, in all substantive ways, excluded, and exclusion is absence and absence is emptiness.


  1. Guess Out magazine figured they didn’t need to add any trans people since the Trans 100 handled that

    • I know you were on that list and, if there is going to be such a list, you certainly deserve to be on it – but you’re dead on the money with your comment.

      We’re not part of the club.

      We’re not even the help (the last thing they want from us is help; that might prove we’re worthwhile.)

      We’re their pet rocks.

  2. Trans”gender,” Trans”sexual,” Trans”phobic”… Out Magazine could have been easily confused.

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