“This is a terrible crime that would never have gone beyond two groups yelling at each other had not Ms. Flaherty aggressively smashed a glass in Ms. McDonald’s face”

So why then is the white, non-trans Molly McTransphobe (McRadphlegm, too?) Flaherty not the one currently in a Minnesota prison doing time on a felony conviction instead of the trans, not-white CeCe McDonald?

Or, if you firmly believe that McDonald wasn’t justified in taking the life of her other attacker under the circumstances that night in 2011, then why are they not both in prison?

A Minneapolis woman is charged with starting the fight outside the Schooner Tavern last summer that resulted in [CeCe] McDonald, a transgender woman, being charged with second-degree murder.

Molly Shannon Flaherty “threw or pushed” a glass into McDonald’s face outside the bar that night, according to the charges. The glass opened up a gash across McDonald’s left cheek that required 11 stitches, and started a melee that ended with Dean Schmitz being stabbed in the heart.

Flaherty was charged with two felonies: second-degree assault with a deadly weapon and third-degree assault causing substantial bodily harm. The Washington County Attorney’s Office is handling the case instead of Hennepin to avoid a conflict of interest.

The quote in the title of this post comes from Washington County Attorney Peter Orput – but the linked item in which it appeared is now over six months old.

Monica Roberts has been:

ponder[ing] what’s been happening in the legal case with Molly Shannon Flaherty, the woman who triggered that fateful June 5, 2011 altercation outside Minneapolis’ Schooner Tavern that night and shoved a glass in CeCe’s face that opened up a cut that took 11 stitches to close.

[Since] the announcement that Flaherty had been charged, it seems as though there has been a cone of silence cloaking what has happened ever since.  What’s up with that?

If the Washington County prosecutors are trying to keep this quiet in the hopes that dropping this case off the news radar will allow people to forget it and give them the opportunity to let Flaherty walk for instigating this BS instead if putting her butt in jail like y’all did CeCe, umm no, that ain’t happening.

It’s time for the media and everybody else to ask questions in terms of what is happening in this case.  If no answers are
forthcoming, then the Washington County prosecutors need to asked in front of unblinking camera eyes why.   It may also be time to light a fire under [Hennepin County Attorney] Michael Freeman’s behind if necessary.

Six months since the charge?  Eighteen since the incident?

If she’d been popped for – or even suspectd of having – an ounce of meth that night in 2011 she’d already be in prison.

But, that’s serious shit.  All she did was butcher a trans woman’s face.  Society has made it clear which of the two is more tolerable….

which means: I have a theory – one that I stuck into a comment at Monica’s TransGriot but that I think I should post here as well.

You don’t need to be a weatherman to know which way this sort of wind is blowing.  Rather, you really only need to have watched a bunch of episodes of Law & Order to breathe in the ease with which prosecutors will bargain away the entire notion of justice via plea deals and grants of immunity…

but only to certain people  – usually certain people who who have a certain something to offer to the prosecutors.

Sell a joint?  An ounce of blow to anyone?  You’re going to prison.

Sell a joint?  An ounce of blow to anyone? While possessing some info about someone with two joints or two ounces of blow?  You just might get a walk in return to ratting?

America! What a country!

Anyone interested in wagering any money that the fine upstanding white, non-trans Molly McTransphobe (McRadphlegm, too?) Flaherty is probably a full-time lowlife who has some sort of informant/immunity deal with one or more prosecutorial authorities in the area?  Anyone interested in wagering any money on the possibility of it involving heavy-duty shit of great social and political import (read: victimless crime – probably taking notes on who sells a joint to whom in bars where people like the fine upstanding white, non-trans Molly McTransphobe (McRadphlegm, too?) Flaherty hang out?

Anyone interested in wagering any money on the possibility that one or more of the prosecutorial authorities are banking on the public’s lack of ability to remember anything that happened prior to the most recent episode of American Idol in hopes that a real-life episode of Racist Justice (if that’s not already a reality show, it probably will be – though I suspect Glenn Beck will produce it abd then we know what the ‘racism’ will be, but I digress….) in which a white woman is given a pass for committing an assault (in which, of course, had CeCe been the assaulter, certain transexterminationist radphlegms would have dropped everything and flown to Minnesota to volunteer to help Messrs. Freeman and/or Orput with CeCe’s prosecution) which triggered a death (‘felony murder’ anyone?) in exchange for being an informant, etc. – either on crimes that shouldn’t be crimes anyway or on crimes far less heinous than the one she committed – will be forgotten completely?

1 Comment

  1. and it’s being reported that Flaherty is being sentenced to 180 days in jail. The Just-us system strikes again.

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