
I’m not saying that individual athletes should refrain from expressions of religiosity in games. Let Tim Tebow do his “Tebowing,” if he ever again gets into an NFL game.

That’s from Wayne Besen at Truth Wins Out, commenting about religiousishness – coerced and otherwise – in sports.

I’ve got no dog in the ‘Is Ray Lewis a Murderer?’ fight, but I do have a problem with the increasing level of scammy-ness in his religio-outbursts:

SHARPE: “A couple of weeks ago, the family of the incident in 2000, and I’m paraphrasing, but it goes something like this: While Ray Lewis is being celebrated by millions, two men tragically and brutally died in Atlanta. Ray Lewis knows more than Ray Lewis ever shared. What would you like to say to the family?”

LEWIS: “It’s simple. God has never made a mistake. That’s just who he is. You see? And if our system, this is the sad thing about our system — if our system took the time to really investigate what happened 13 years ago, maybe they would have got to the bottom line truth.

No, Ray.  The sad thing is that the accuracy – albeit drenched in self-serving molasses – of that long sentence is negated by the arrogance of “God has never made a mistake.”

Dude – you played pro ball in Maryland for 16 years.  Did anyone ever mention to you that, despite being in the north, Maryland was nevertheless a slave state?

From an Organization That in 33 Years Has Employed 2 1/2 Trans People and Has Never Apologized for its History of Institutionalized Transphobia That Has Politically Harmed Trans People…

The irony…

it burns.